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Saturday, August 20, 2005

You are needed! The race of your life has already started

You are needed! The race of your life has already started

Let me tell you a secret.

A secret of both influence as well as achievement.

Those with the greatest gap between their current reality and their desired reality suck in to them the greatest forces of potential from nature.

So what are you needed for? And how can you turn it into the biggest benefits and profits of a thousand lifetimes?

On your marks
Wake up!

Get set
Get clear and plan your work over the freedom decades

Work your plan without hesitation or procrastination

If you are new to all this and I am sounding weird, go to [ ] and Get Involved with getting the secrets of prosperity, influence, achievement, and freedom.

If you are not new to this and I am making sense, I invite you to

Waking up is something we must do each day, and I don’t mean in the physical sense. We must decide each day to consciously integrate with the big picture of our purpose and our life and the freedom decade’s opportunity of infinite lifetimes.

Ultimately, Internal Processing and Societal Processing blend into one pursuit. Effecting change in the world reduces to the revolution of your inner world.

To eliminate every aspect of irrationality, procrastination, self-dishonesty, is to rise as a Titan of value contribution and success in the world. Move on over Bill Gates, the real technology revolutionaries are hot on your tail.

Gates shot to dizzying heights of success in 10 years. He found a wave and rode it to the finish line.

Now it’s your turn within this final race in the War of Two Worlds.

The Value Destroyers of the Anticivilisation, be it in poli-tics (blood sucking parasites) or certain religious leaders (soul snatchers), or criminally minded losers.

The Value Producers and Creators of the rising Supercivilisation, be it in business, science or art.

To maintain this biggest and widest of perspectives is done not for big-headedness, but because of the supreme dynamic of influence and achievement in creating the biggest possible gap between current reality and desired reality.

You really can win it all, or you really will lose it all, sometime during these early 2000s. The 2008 elections will be one to watch. But the 2012 elections will be one where I believe Earth’s future hangs on the balance.

This represents my widest picture.

Please, what is yours?

What is your race during the decades of freedom?

Are you awake? Or does this all seem a bit kooky, or like its only a marketing ploy to you?

I really would like to know, for part of my greatest mission is to have others as significant as you can be, to grasp the self-responsibility that you can make a contributing difference in the developments of societal perspectives.

If you do hear the calling, then please, what are you doing about it?

How are you living? What are you working on? Do you wake each morning with the drive of a self-leader, ready to inject your intensity into your life and the life of others around you?

Or are you too drained by the suppressions, lack of resources, time constraints, and then procrastinations, living to die, at the end of the race, with the dust clouds of death catching up behind you as your pace resigns to a slow collapsing blank-out.

This is the distinction that faces me each and every moment.

What is your guiding and operating perspective system?

How can you improve it?
What slows you down?

How can you smash that?

Will you win it all or lose it all, perhaps by 2012, in your final race, of life and death, in this War of Two Worlds?


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