
Friday, May 16, 2003 

Monkey's of society


Yes yes I know, taxes, IRS, politics, terrorism, Patriot Act, tort lawyers. True evil, yet hidden from people’s understanding. However, the mega-trend of society continues to sprout and grow shoots, getting ready to blossom in the spring of freedom’s awakening.

Oh how poetic… but true.

Look to President Bush. His $700 billion in wanted tax cuts would boom the economy. Those at Congress are reducing that cut, and we are watching them do it. They will not escape from their accountability.

Who are the monkey’s?
Find out in Transmuting Society Part 1, our Free download available from the home page http://supercivilisation.net

How are they being taken off our backs?
Following on from Part 1, Transmuting Society Part 2 presents the projects, plans, and systems to do this.

Why are their monkey’s on our backs?
Follow this anecdote: Someone climbs up on his back, and the man struggles valiantly to carry him. Then someone else climbs up and the man’s knees are shaking, beads of perspiration roll down his cheeks. And then, tragically, a third person jumps up, and the man’s back breaks under the pressure.

Have you ever read Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged? You should. In there it shows how parasites of society drain dry the economy, and the producers and creators go ‘on strike’.

Who is the value destroyer? Who is the value creator?

Mentally place a tick in the boxes for each of the following that you consider to be a value creator (the rest being left as value destroyers):
o Politician
o Blue collar worker
o Politically connected business man
o Business man
o Tort lawyer
Hint: There are only two listed value creators in our opinion.
The reason that we have monkey’s on our backs is because not enough of us have yet told them to get off.

It is not about not wanting to help others in society, because helping others is done via supply of suitable jobs, being giving, and creating value for others.

We can individually help lots of people by being giving in our personal lives, and by achieving excellence in our jobs, and relationships. The more free we are, the more people we can help.

But that doesn’t mean that we should carry any monkey’s on our backs! Lets shove them off, let them carry their own weight, and then in fact we will be of much better service to them, others, ourselves, and loved ones.

“You can help a thousand, but you can’t carry three.”
– Jim Rohn

Find out what is going on in society in our publication Transmuting Society Part 1, our Free download available from the home page http://supercivilisation.net

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“Once fifty million people got a glimpse of what I saw of the Neo-Tech Era in my Visions, and once they realized they would live like millionaires, well, they embraced the new code whose time had come. Suddenly, as seen in my Second Vision, the people voted for depoliticizing America, which opened the gates for the great Technological Revolution that took us into the Neo-Tech Era.”
– Mark Hamilton

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