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Friday, December 17, 2004

Keynote address - Exhilarating Gatherings, 2015

Exhilarating Gatherings keynote address September 2015

From The Matrix 'We're not here because we're free... We're here because we're not free..'

We take ourselves as the most liberated men and women on Earth at this time. In many ways yes that is true. In a few piv-ot-al ways this is not true.

We happen to be not simply someplace within the promontory; some place between the Anticivilisation and Universal Supercivilisation: Instead we are on the very cusp of the razor's edge of that promontory.

Yes you are adepts of the 3 vectors of Self-Leadership:
  1. Holoarchy (current technology of the original Folderarchy precursor)
  2. Principled contextualism
  3. Neuroplasticity influence

A controller of neuroplastivity as snipers of influence via the creative process through transcendent intent is next.

To point towards an understanding of this is simply to suggest that timeless geometric progression of super-rapidly-advancing-new-technology in the Supercivilisation; unfathomable to our minds to date, but this I think is the next jump, and the walls are moving in thus our run-up is shortening, we must take flight now and with our minds like water, force that change into the next mentality.

My view is that we are becoming comfortable in our cat-bird positions of power, but to let up now would be the fatal moment of relaxation within the eye of the storm.

We must take advantage of this period of apparent space from Anticivilisation attacks to consolidate not our physical projects, but we must once again turn inwards to ask ourselves of any final traces of impurity, and hang-ups, any laziness, any evasions that our left/right synchronised minds perhaps are not quite pushing through to our controlling awareness.

And finally, we must unleash that shear 'frightening' force of passionate emotional assertion into living fully and totally.

There are still pockets of Anticivilisation dynamics on Earth.

In the words of Voltaire: Lecrusez L'infame (crush the evil).

And then we party with our cosmic cousins.

From having spoken all this I am tingling with energy and enthusiasm.

I trust you all enjoy the show tonight.

Exhilarating Gatherings is now holographically watched by 4 billion people. We have come far. But I can't tolerate the sinking feeling that in certain corners of our sacred planet there are people still suffering the stifling blockages of Anticivilisation mentality.

We must free them.

This is my personally chosen theme for tonights show.

All my love.


(applause of 40,000 people at the event)

The lights dim, a Neo-Magic Productions light display introduces tonights first Act: Clean Sweep Riches.

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