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Monday, December 27, 2004

Freedom Elections of Ukraine

Tears came to my eyes as I read this NewsMax.com article today on the Freedom Elections of Ukraine with the closing lines of a proud countrymen and father:

``We brought our daughter here to see the birth of freedom,'' Korolyov said as his daughter waved a tiny orange flag and chanted ``Yu-shchen-ko, Yu-shchen-ko.'

This to me is a momentous victory for the freedom paradigm. With 48 million population, and approximately 75% vote turnout, with Yushchenko victory of 50-60%, that is a great mass of people voting for the freedom's of the West vs Russian East, and a significant size population, not too far off the population size of the UK.

Another blow to communism. Another chear for the freedom paradigm.

It really does bring tears to my eyes as I stop to allow reflections of real people, with real experiences of the destruction from politics, communism/socialism/fascism and their efforts and awakening minds to pro-freedom ideas.

The thought of innocent young, and old that either have given up long ago, or never actually had experience of an alternative other than 'mother Russia'.

Well, I'm adding this into the books as indication of the Freedom Elections of circa 2012 criss-crossing between the US and Europe.

I also will look forward to new associates that I will make from the Ukraine.

Congratulations Ukraineans!

As an afterthought: If the Ukraine is to be somehow dragged into the European Union then this suggests a goal of the tenticles of an enemy shrouding itself with words of Freedom and Prosperity only to trap slowly the super-state structure of Russian. Hence it could turn out that Russia infact plays a significant role in preventing the full consumption of Eastern Europe as part of the dark European Union. However, it was said in the news a few days ago that the Ukraneans had not wanted to be part of the EU. Let us hope that that is true and sticks. With Yushchenko being a Central Banker, if he has hidden agenda's or is swayed over time to support the EU, then may the people of Ukraine maintan their vigilience. My attention is on high alert between Bush, Putin, and Yushchenko.

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