
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 

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Cooing at babies now banned in UK hospital

How dare you show interest in a baby!!!

Check out the below news article.

Just imagine, human rights of a new born mean that we should not show them attention (they haven't consented!)

So what about a 2 year old? A 4 year old? Imagine not talking to young people because they haven't shown consent..

Imagine the isolation build into our experience by such treatment.




Cooing at new-born babies banned A West Yorkshire hospital has banned visitors from cooing at new-born babies over fears their human rights are being breached and to reduce infection.
A statement from Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax said staff had held an advice session to highlight the need for respect and dignity for patients.

On one ward there is a doll featuring the message: "What makes you think I want to be looked at?"

But Labour MP Linda Riordan said the measures were "bureaucracy gone mad".
Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager

She told the Halifax Courier: "All mothers want people to admire their babies because all babies are beautiful.

"But in a case where a mother did not want to answer questions it should be up to that individual to say so."

Some new mothers have already said they are astonished by the rules which stop people asking questions about their babies or looking at them in maternity wards.

Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me.
'Infection control'

"We often get visitors wandering over to peer into cots but people sometimes touch or talk about the baby like they would if they were examining tins in a supermarket and that should not happen."

HAVE YOUR SAY If a baby I was cooing over asked me to stop because I was infringing on their human rights then I would Pej, London, UK

A spokeswoman for Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust said the advice was as much to do with reducing infection as it was upholding "rights".

In a statement she said: "Staff were wishing to highlight issues of potential confidentiality, especially for young babies and their parents in what can be emotional times.

"Infection control was also a key part of the message as the unit deals with very small babies with very vulnerable immune systems."

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2005/09/26 18:15:38 GMT© BBC MMV

Thursday, September 15, 2005 

Tony Blair: We must all fight the fanatics

In the Metro UK paper today 15th Sep 2005 Oliver Stallwood reported:

World leaders must unite to defeat terrorism and ensure 'the future does not belong to fanatics', Tony Blair said yesterday.

"Terrorists would not be beaten until 'our passion for the democratic way is as great as thir passion for tyranny."

"We should not underestimate what we face. This terrorism has disfigured countries in every continent, at every stage of development,l with every conceivable mix of races and religions."

"They exploit our hesitations. This is our weakness and they know it."

And George Bush added:

'We must do all we can to disrucpt each stage of planning and support fo terrorist acts, ... Terrorists must know that, wherever they go, they cannot escape justice'.


Awesome words, and do they mean that Blair is turning from socialistic tyranny towards enlightened freedom oriented individual rights protective ethics?

Perhaps, his track record does not suggest this, but maybe the London Bombings have sparked a wider understanding in the man, also catalysed by the parasitism he is now learning to fend off from the EU terrocrats.