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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Tony Blair: We must all fight the fanatics

In the Metro UK paper today 15th Sep 2005 Oliver Stallwood reported:

World leaders must unite to defeat terrorism and ensure 'the future does not belong to fanatics', Tony Blair said yesterday.

"Terrorists would not be beaten until 'our passion for the democratic way is as great as thir passion for tyranny."

"We should not underestimate what we face. This terrorism has disfigured countries in every continent, at every stage of development,l with every conceivable mix of races and religions."

"They exploit our hesitations. This is our weakness and they know it."

And George Bush added:

'We must do all we can to disrucpt each stage of planning and support fo terrorist acts, ... Terrorists must know that, wherever they go, they cannot escape justice'.


Awesome words, and do they mean that Blair is turning from socialistic tyranny towards enlightened freedom oriented individual rights protective ethics?

Perhaps, his track record does not suggest this, but maybe the London Bombings have sparked a wider understanding in the man, also catalysed by the parasitism he is now learning to fend off from the EU terrocrats.

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