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Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Bullet Matrix is for you

I would like you to subscribe to my vast project where I will supply you with every conceivable informational value for your every area of interest.

I will non-ceasingly integrate the entire cognos available to me through my research and bring it to you in updates at least monthly.

This service will be housed as The Bullet Matrix; a collection of inter-connected mind maps displaying visually, spatially, and referentially, ALL areas of the Supercivilisation Gifts of:
1. Abundant Wealth
2. Total Security
3. Superior Intelligence
4. Optimum Health
5. Romantic Love
6. Fulfiling Career

This will be a very personal service, in which I pour my heart and soul out to you through a personal journal as I pursue my life purpose of seeing European and US Freedom by the US 2012 'Freedom Elections'.

I do not know how much the service will rise to over the months and years to come, but because it is in it's infancy by comparison, I am going to offer it for the nominal amount of $17 per month.

The greater in value it becomes, the more it saves you time and money in having to do research yourself, and the more it facilitates you to create a life of increasing prosperity, then I will raise the cost. However, right now I will accept that those subscribing now will have the $17 p/m locked in for 12 months.

This will act as my hot-housing project for becoming a Super-Consultant. Which means that you have the most welcomed opportunity to ask me any questions at all about anything in life on any subject and I will research and explore and then write and provide you with all the tips, tools, references and understandings that I pull together.


The limitations must be that I will do this within reason of topics to the general value of the other Bullet Matrix subscribers, and that contributes to the benefit of my life too, and that I am not omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent. So for example, for the time being, I would not investigate academic topics such as geology where doing so would provide little perceived benefit by my own judgement for myself and the Bullet Matrix subscribers.

To make it an easy decision, rather than charging for a full 12 months up front I am going to charge for the first Bullet Matrix package which includes ALL of my integrated research so far along with 3 months of updates, and subsequently your credit card will be charged on a monthly basis which you can cancel if you wish at any time.

Each Bullet Matrix update will be available as a new downloadable ebook which will contain a contents page and mind map. The mind map is clickable like a link on a website, which then opens up another page. In the Bullet Matrix, your clicks will open up another Mind Map with more information on it, and more items to click to open up yet more mind maps for more information and more topics.

This organic natural organisational effect allows me to integrate vast amounts reducing it to the essentials and thus the most valuable supply of information to you.

I hope that you will embrace this venture with keen interest, and to give you a bit more of an idea on the potential of this let me suggest that it will grow to the point where I can visit you personally and spend time with you, taking you out for dinner where I dedicate hours of my time on your evolution personally, at no extra cost than your monthly subscription, no matter where you are in the world.

Before that comes about I imagine that we will speak by phone, and then by satellite webcam, as our relationship grows personal and powerful as my involvement with you contritues to the growth of the Bullet Matrix for the other subscribers.

This can be done. I can make this so incredibly valuable for you. I'm ready to do this. All it takes is your subscription. Join me on this venture that will represent my life's work past, present, and future until those Freedom Elections of 2012.

All subscribers are also invited to a SuperciVillage party once the Village is built and fully functional.

Remember, for $17 p/m you will have my personal dedication to researching and coaching and helping you in any Supercivilisation Gift area, where I will shorten your learning curve so much that you get tons more done in less time for less money, whilst at the same time developing a personal 'working-life' relationship with me which could grow to .... anything our imagination can conceive and believe.

Subscription link will be available real soon.

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