From Entry into Cyberspace, to Profitable Exploit
The profits in message boards, discussion lists, egroups, etc. are two fold. One fold comes first, then after the second fold comes down, a continuous concertina is created of one fold overlaying the next overlaying the next and so on.
The two profits specifically are:
1. Talking with people, learning/reading new information/knowledge, finding references, getting a feel, talking out ideas, improving one's personal philosophy/attitude, gaining contacts, testing/building concepts.
2. Promoting your information products or joining alliances of some kind to exploit financial cyberspace profitability.
The above folding/concertina analogy suggests the desired outcome as being the continuous bit-by-bit process of transcending current reality through improving one area, then improving another, which facilitates improving the original position, and so on, back and forth.
Those who, for example, spend their time on only one of the profit areas (usually the first one) will build lopsided integrations, and in fact they will create folds in the paper of the analogy above, that they end up with a circular pattern. They will not advance much.
It can be hard to jump the hurdle of shifting from profit area 1 to also using profit area 2.
How do you feel your profits are going?
Again: Profit area 1 is in using Cyberspace for information *gathering* (mental/psychological profits). Profit area 2 is for information *selling* (financial profits).
What profits are you currently focussed predominantly on?
If on profit area 1 (mental), that's great, you will be creating wide-mind-expanse, which is needed to compete in the rising supercivilisation, but in time others will take more profits than you because they have better hands-on experience in creating products for profit area 2 (financial).
Or if you are focussed on profit area 2 (financial), you will slowly learn how to create deep-pocket-expanse. However, you will find very stiff competition in the rising supercivilisation as more people will bring their profit area 1 (mental) profits they have accrued and with those profits create much more valuable products than you.
SinergySystems, a division of Supercivilisation, is in partnership with synergy-teams co-creating The Creative Career Development I-course (interactive e-course).
That I-course will balance the folding of the two profit areas to give you a quantum boost towards controlling not only your financial profits, in and out of cyberspace, but also your mental profits as well.
In the mean time, you can benefit today from the Free publication Transmuting Society Part 1, and also the Daffodil Questionnaires, which are both available directly from
Don't leave your self behind.
Embededly yours,