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Tuesday, July 08, 2003

The Magic Bullet for Leveraging Integrations and Achievement

How the white rabbit uses The Magic Bullet for Leveraging Integrations and Achievement

8th July 2003

Your Life Seasons

When all is said and done, and you lay your head down to rest at night, can you reflect with satisfaction at the morning which was Spring time, when you rose to live the good life, and fight the good fight. Did your Summer of day nourish and flourish your projects, the seeds of value creation that you had sown prior. And in the Autumn of your late afternoon, could you gallop through the meadow of abundance; were you taking strong strides towards your Life Purpose and Values? The winter of night brings resting. Do you work the day to gather the wood and coal to see you comfortably through the winter of night.

See It Big

Episodes when you feel more on form, more in tune with living the life that is right for you? Times of greater frustration, or passion, or peace, or activity, or accomplishment? Do you sometimes wonder as to the patterns of your own life and psychology? Do you perhaps ponder on the buttons that switch you on or off, activate certain areas of your mind, lead you towards or away from certain activities?

Do you ever wonder how to find and use at will those digital-switches of absolute Iron Grip Control over your Self, Life, and Creations?
I do.
... often.

The Magic Bullet

If you want the magic bullet, then listen up because I have it.
In business you may appreciate that there is no one magic bullet for gaining every customer, not in a static perspective that is. From a dynamic perspective, there IS one magic bullet, and so there is one magic bullet for controlling our self, life, achievements, creations, happiness, and destiny.

But one static set program / technique / system / method will never do.

That magic bullet...

The magic is in the Process.

At any time, each one of us can stop and think. Each one of us, on stopping momentarily to think, can PLUG IN to the mind space of open-ended power. That is to say, we will be able to see what would be the best thing for us to do in this moment.
Call it The Power-Think Approach.

The Problem

Do we want to know about some mysterious method of how to achieve anything, yet remain skeptical of such a thing?

Do we often see it or make it more complicated than it is or needs to be?
Yes! We make it overly complicated, leaving us with 'analysis paralysis'.
Why do we do that?

Because of THE Problem: Pretense. Our consciousness pretends. Our minds cover up our real feelings, disconnects us from our real thoughts, desires, beliefs, and values. Creates new thoughts, desires, beliefs, and values that lay over our 'real' one's. Where does the line lay?
Where are we really? What is our 'programming'?

You see, the DISCOMFORT that we feel, is from the realisation of the self-deception and rationalisation of our laziness. By searching for this complicated and all encompassing key method, we [supposedly] let ourselves off the hook. I say we actually LEAVE ourselves ON the hook, and just close our eyes and pretend that we're free to walk as we wish.

Keep It Simple

Again, let's not make this complicated. I don't pretend to offer a static magic bullet. I offer THE magic bullet: The Process. This is a moving dynamic that can exist for us if we are open to the changing rhythms of thought that self-honesty brings.

For this we must let go of egotism and develop egoism. Topic for another time.
It is Mindfulness that allows us to play with our inner worlds and experiences. To reflect on our universe. And to direct our actions, thoughts, and feelings.

I won't try to create many obvious answers, but instead leave you with this expanded sense of Mindfulness for you to try to carry for the rest of your day and week... and longer if you have the Personal Power to do so at this time in your life.

Ask yourself often: What am I doing? Why am I doing it? What could I do? What would be the most powerful decision or action I could take right now / today? What is the Power-Think Approach in this situation? What one thing, that is easy enough to do, could I do today, that would make a significant difference in my life?


I ask you to SIBKIS; to See It Big, but to Keep It Simple.
I ask you to expand your Mindfulness in continuing the ever expanding process of your Life Creation.

What Season of your day are you right now? Is it Spring, or perhaps Autumn? When you wake tomorrow morning, and see the light of day, will you remember these reflections, and make a choice in that new Spring time by planting positive seeds of fighting the good fight, and living the good life, to Seize the Day, stir yourself emotionally for the activities you can take during the day, and activte your Mindfulness?

I also ask you if I have said anything new or special here-in? If you think I have, then will you endeavour to use it? If I haven't, then have you already been using it properly?
Are you dangling on that hook?

The Process has begun...

Embededly yours,
- white rabbit
Consider It Done

PS. The Supercivilisation Architect is amassing integrations, with a right-brain method of displaying, organising, and expanding, an array of Mindfulness Bullets. (Read The Architects introduction linked from http://supercivilisation.net/charts/level_6/bullet_charting.htm).

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  • I'm GavrielShaw
  • From London, United Kingdom
  • Gradually creating a Super-society village of business, learning, socialising with creative positive advancing people, and living a prosperous lifestlye

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